Moving Forward With Faith Initiative
The Moving Forward With Faith Initiative is ODMHSAS’s commitment to including the voices of the faith based community in our efforts to reduce substance misuse and promote mental well-being for all Oklahomans.
Guided by a statewide advisory council composed of faith leaders, community partners, preventionists, recovery specialists, mental health professionals, laity, and stakeholders with lived experience, and utilizing evidenced based and faith tailored interventions, this Initiative will work with communities of faith to build a path forward in the fight against the substance misuse and mental health crises facing them.”
The Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services
(c) 2024 All Rights Reserved.

Bailes Chaples, Project Manager
Have questions, comments, or want to learn more about the council?
Contact Bailes Chaples at

This Public Service Announcement Brought To You By Council Member, Connie Walcott
Due to her personal experience of becoming homeless due to mental illness, Connie is now publicly debriefing her personal ACEs Recovery Journey.
Her purpose for sharing her story is to help break the shaming she and many others experienced while trying to overcome the impact of their early childhood adversities.